The Pin object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Name Description
GetAnchorPoint The coordinates of the point where the pin begins.
GetEType Gets the electrical characteristics of the pin.
GetLinkCount Gets the number of objects connected to the pin.
GetLinkedObject Gets the object linked with this pin.
GetLinkID Gets the Link ID.
GetPinFlags To get the pin property flags.
GetPinLabel Gets the label of the pin.
GetPinName Gets the name of the pin.
GetPinNumber Gets the number of the pin.
GetPinsCount Gets the number of pins.
GetPinStatus Gets the status of the pin.
GetPlugPoint The coordinates of the point where the pin ends.
GetRotation Gets the rotation angle of the pin.
GetSwapID Gets the Swap ID.
GetSymbolInside Gets the symbol to be added internally to the component's graphic symbol.
GetSymbolInsideEdge Gets the symbol to be added on the inside edge of the component graphic symbol.
GetSymbolOutside Gets the symbol to add outside the component graphic symbol.
GetSymbolOutsideEdge Gets the symbol to add to the outer edge of the component graphic symbol.
PinSwap Swap the position of two equivalent pins.
SetEType Sets the electrical characteristics of the pin.
SetLinkID Sets the Link ID.
SetPinFlags Set the pin property flags.
SetPinLabel Set the pin label.
SetPinName Set the pin name.
SetPinNumber Set the pin number.
SetSwapID Sets the Swap ID.
SetSymbols Set pin symbols.

See also