The base class of drawing objects.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Name Description
AddHook Adds a dynamic hook to the object.
DeleteAttribute Deletes the specified attribute.
GetAttribute Gets the value of the specified attribute.
GetBackObjectIterator Returns the iterator from the back child object.
GetBoundingBox Gets the rectangle enclosing the specified object.
GetChild Gets the child object identified by the specified name.
GetChildCount Gets the number of child objects included in the object.
GetDocument Gets the document.
GetFlags Gets the object status flags.
GetFrontObjectIterator Returns the iterator from the front child object.
GetHookParam Gets the value of the specified parameter.
GetHookPoint Gets the coordinates of the specified hook.
GetHotspot Gets the object hotspot.
GetLayer Gets the layer.
GetName Returns the name of the object.
GetNextObject Gets the next object for iterating.
GetPage Gets the page.
GetParam Gets the value of the specified parameter.
GetParamCount Gets the number of parameters contained in the specified attribute.
GetParamNumber Gets the numeric value of the specified parameter.
GetParent Gets the parent object of this object.
GetPrevObject Gets the previous object for iterating.
GetStyle Gets the styles of the object.
GetType Returns the object type.
GetTypeName Returns the name of the object type.
IsValid Returns true if the object is valid otherwise returns false.
Move Moves an object.
Rotate Rotates an object around a base point.
Scale Scales an object.
SelectShape Select the specified shape of the object.
SetAttribute Sets the value of the specified attribute.
SetFlags Sets the object status flags.
SetHookMenu Sets the dynamic hooks menu.
SetHookMessage Sets the message for the current hook.
SetHookParam Sets the value of the specified parameter.
SetHotspot Sets the object hotspot.
SetName Sets the name of the object.
SetParam Sets the value of the specified parameter.
SetStyle Sets the styles of the object.

See also