Gets the coordinates of the active hook.



Parameter Description
what Specifies which coordinates are to be returned. Enter one of the following values:
DlxApp.DYNAMICHOOK_DOCPICKEDPOINT Coordinates of the hook when it was clicked. The value of the coordinates are in millimeters and refer to the document.
DlxApp.DYNAMICHOOK_DOCPREVIOUSPOINT Previous hook coordinates. The value of the coordinates are in millimeters and refer to the document.
DlxApp.DYNAMICHOOK_DOCCURRENTPOINT Current hook coordinates. The value of the coordinates are in millimeters and refer to the document.
DlxApp.DYNAMICHOOK_VIEWPICKEDPOINT Coordinates of the hook when it was clicked. The value of the coordinates are in pixels and referred to the screen.
DlxApp.DYNAMICHOOK_VIEWPREVIOUSPOINT Previous hook coordinates. The value of the coordinates are in pixels and referred to the screen.
DlxApp.DYNAMICHOOK_VIEWCURRENTPOINT Current hook coordinates. The value of the coordinates are in pixels and referred to the screen.

Return Value

If the operation is successful, it returns a DlxPoint with the coordinates; otherwise it returns an invalid point. Use IsValid to verify that the point is valid.


  Copy codeCopy code

See also