You can create simple text documents or documents with formatting and images. These documents are used for tabular reports of data resulting from a simulation or for the component list for a schematic. A report or product documentation uses more complex formatting and graphics as well as the incorporation of drawings and images. Text in RTF format can be easily exported and included in other documents.
To create a new RTF document
Do one of the following to open the New document dialog:
If your Job includes only one project, choose New from the File menu and then click Document.
Within the Job Panel, right-click on the project name where you want to add the document, in the menu that appears choose New » Document.
In the dialog box, specify the title of the document and select
Rich Text Document in the group Text documents.
Operations in RTF documents
Using the rulerTo search for or replace specific characters or words
Set the automatic line return of the text
Cutting, copying, pasting or deleting text
Creating a bulleted list
Change font, style or size
Setting the effects of text
Formatting a paragraph
Setting or removing tabulation points
To set the page
Header and footer
Container for simulation results
Text documents are also used as containers for the data resulting from the simulations. Diagram objects in graphic documents link a text document as the source of the data.
VectorsNumerical report
Fourier Analysis
Expressions with vectors
Define functions and constants for expressions