When creating a layer, you must assign it a type in addition to the name. The layer type allows the program to correctly interpret the objects present in the layer.

Table of layer types

Layer type Description Document type


A generic layer that is not assigned a particular function.



In this layer are inserted the objects of Frame type and any information extraneous to the symbols.

Symbol libraries and footprint libraries


Contains the PCB profile.

PCB and footprint libraries

Top copper

Top copper side of PCB.

PCB and footprint libraries

Bottom copper

Bottom copper side of PCB.

PCB and footprint libraries

Inner copper

Copper layers inside the board.


Top image

Contains the realistic image of the components on the top of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Bottom image

Contains the realistic image of the components on the bottom of the card.

PCB and footprint libraries

Top assembly

Contains the black and white graphic drawing of the components on the top of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Bottom assembly

Contains the black and white graphic drawing of the components on the bottom of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Top courtyard

Contains the component footprint areas on the top of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Bottom courtyard

Contains the component footprint areas on the bottom of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Top legend

Legend or silkscreen on the top side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Bottom legend

Legend or silkscreen on the bottom side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Top soldermask

Soldermask on the top side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Bottom soldermask

Soldermask on the bottom side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Top pastemask

Pastemask on the top side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Bottom pastemask

Pastemask on the bottom side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Top gluemask

Gluemask on the top side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Bottom gluemask

Gluemask on the bottom side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Top mechanical

Information on the mechanical processing of the top side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Bottom mechanical

Information on the mechanical processing of the bottom side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Top documentation

Documentation of the top side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Bottom documentation

Documentation of the bottom side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Top carbonmask

Carbonmask top side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Bottom carbonmask

Carbonmask bottom side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Top goldmask

Goldmask top side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Bottom goldmask

Goldmask bottom side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Top heatsinkmask

Heatsinkmask top side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Bottom heatsinkmask

Heatsinkmask bottom side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Top peelablemask

Peelablemask top side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Bottom peelablemask

Peelablemask bottom side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Top silvermask

Silvermask top side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Bottom silvermask

Silvermask bottom side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Top tinmask

Tinmask top side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries

Bottom tinmask

Tinmask bottom side of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries



PCB and footprint libraries



PCB and footprint libraries



PCB and footprint libraries


Connection lines.


Reference marks

Reference marks.

PCB and footprint libraries

Board documentation

Documentation of the board.

PCB and footprint libraries


Keepout areas.

PCB and footprint libraries

See also