This dialog box allows you to include objects in a selection group, or exclude them from it, depending on the type and properties. The dialog box lists all the types of objects on the page and for each type you can specify an expression with which to filter objects. If the filter expression is not specified, objects are selected only by type.


To open this dialog, choose the command Select objects in the menu Modify or click the button on the toolbar.

Add to current selection

If this option is enabled, the objects are added to the current selection. Otherwise, all selected objects will be deselected and the selection will contain only the new selected objects.

Use the current selection

If this option is enabled, the search is performed only among the selected objects. If this option is not enabled, all objects on the page are scanned.

Filter expression

If the filter expression is not specified, objects are selected only by type. Otherwise, the object type to which the expression refers is selected only if the result of the expression is different from zero.

The expression may contain references to object properties. For example, you can select all lines that have the style name PEN1 by specifying the following expression:


Unit of Measure

The values of coordinates, lengths and angles must be expressed according to the current unit of measure.

List of properties common to all objects

Property Type Description
objname String Name of the object. Corresponds to the value of the OBJNAME attribute.
objid String Identifier of the object. Corresponds to the value of the OBJID attribute.
layername String The name of the layer to which the object belongs.
canprint Boolean If the object can be printed is equal to TRUE otherwise it is FALSE.
cansnap Boolean Is equal to TRUE if the object's notable points are active for object snap operations otherwise it is FALSE.
canmove Boolean If the object can be moved is equal to TRUE otherwise it is FALSE.
canrotate Boolean If the object can be rotated is equal to TRUE otherwise it is FALSE.
canshear Boolean If the object can be deformed is equal to TRUE otherwise it is FALSE.
canscale Boolean If the object can be resized is equal to TRUE otherwise it is FALSE.

List of properties for the pen style

Property Type Description
pen String Name of the style.
penh String Style handler.
penwidth Number Thickness of the pen.
pencolor String The name of the pen color.
pattern String Hatch name.
patternh String Hatch handler.
startcap String Name of start cap.
endcap String Name of end cap.

List of properties for the fill style

Property Type Description
brush String Name of the style.
brushh Stringa Style handler.
fillcolor String Background color.
hatchcolor String Hatch color.
shadow String Name of the shadow style.
shadowh String Shadow style handler.

List of properties for text style

Property Type Description
font String Font name.
fonth String Font handler.
fontfamily String Font family.
fontsize Number Character size in pt.
isbold Boolean If the character is in bold is equal to TRUE otherwise it is FALSE.
isitalic Boolean If the character is italic equals TRUE otherwise it is FALSE.
fontbrush String The name of the font fill style.
fontbrushh String The handler of the font fill style.
fontcolor String The name of the font color.

List of object properties: Line

Property Type Description
x1 Number Horizontal coordinate of the starting point.
y1 Number Vertical coordinate of the starting point.
x2 Number Horizontal coordinate of the end point.
y2 Number Vertical coordinate of the end point.
angle Number Angle relative to the X-axis.
len Number Length.

List of object properties: Ellipse, Circle, arc

Property Type Description
x1 Number Horizontal coordinate of the starting point.
y1 Number Vertical coordinate of the starting point.
x2 Number Horizontal coordinate of the end point.
y2 Number Vertical coordinate of the end point.
cx Number Horizontal coordinate of the center.
cy Number Vertical coordinate of the center.
sx Number Size of x-axis
sy Number Size of y-axis.
angle Number Angle of rotation.
sa Number Start angle.
ea Number End angle.

List of object properties: Curve

Property Type Description
x1 Number Horizontal coordinate of the starting point.
y1 Number Vertical coordinate of the starting point.
x2 Number Horizontal coordinate of the end point.
y2 Number Vertical coordinate of the end point.

List of object properties: Rectangle

Property Type Description
cx Number Horizontal coordinate of the center.
cy Number Vertical coordinate of the center.
width Number Width.
height Number Height.
angle Number Angle of rotation.

List of object properties: Path

Property Type Description
x1 Number Horizontal coordinate of the starting point.
y1 Number Vertical coordinate of the starting point.
x2 Number Horizontal coordinate of the end point.
y2 Number Vertical coordinate of the end point.
width Number Thickness.
angle Number Angle relative to the X-axis.
startcap String Name of start cap.
endcap String Name of end cap.

List of object properties: Text, Attribute, Reference, Value, Net

Property Type Description
style String Name of the style.
styleh String Style handler.
x Number The horizontal coordinate of the origin point.
y Number The vertical coordinate of the origin point.
angle Number Angle of rotation.
text String First line of the text.

List of object properties: Paragraph

Property Type Description
cx Number Horizontal coordinate of the center.
cy Number Vertical coordinate of the center.
width Number Width.
height Number Height.
angle Number Angle of rotation.
text String First line of the text.

List of object properties: Label

Property Type Description
style String Name of the style.
styleh String Style handler.
text String First line of the text.

List of object properties: Dimension

Property Type Description
style String Name of the style.
styleh String Style handler.

List of object properties: Image, Page

Property Type Description
cx Number Horizontal coordinate of the center.
cy Number Vertical coordinate of the center.
width Number Width.
height Number Height.
angle Number Angle of rotation.

List of object properties: Clone

Property Type Description
originalname String Name of the original object. Corresponds to the value of the OBJNAME attribute of the original object.
originalid String Identifier of the original object. Corresponds to the value of the OBJID attribute of the original object.

List of object properties: OLE

Property Type Description
cx Number Horizontal coordinate of the center.
cy Number Vertical coordinate of the center.
width Number Width.
height Number Height.

List of object properties: Table

Property Type Description
cx Number Horizontal coordinate of the center.
cy Number Vertical coordinate of the center.
width Number Width.
height Number Height.
angle Number Angle of rotation.
rows Number Number of lines.
columns Number Number of columns.

List of object properties: Frame

Property Type Description
style String Name of the style.
styleh String Style handler.
partname String Name of the frame.
partnum String Frame number.

List of object properties: Hotspot

Property Type Description
x Number Horizontal coordinate of the point.
y Number Vertical coordinate of the point.
width Number Width.

List of object properties: Pin, SheetEntry, Port

Property Type Description
style String Name of the style.
styleh String Style handler.
x1 Number Horizontal coordinate of the anchor point.
y1 Number Vertical coordinate of the anchor point.
x2 Number Horizontal coordinate of the plug point.
y2 Number Vertical coordinate of the plug point.
len Number Length.
angle Number Angle of rotation.
type String Electric type.
swapid Number Value of the SwapID parameter.
joinid Number Value of the JoinID parameter.

List of object properties: Symbol, Sheet

Property Type Description
ref String Reference.
val String Value.

List of object properties: Wire

Property Type Description
style String Name of the style.
styleh String Style handler.
x1 Number Horizontal coordinate of the starting point.
y1 Number Vertical coordinate of the starting point.
x2 Number Horizontal coordinate of the end point.
y2 Number Vertical coordinate of the end point.
angle Number Angle to the X-axis.
len Number Length.

List of object properties: Bus

Property Type Description
style String Name of the style.
styleh String Style handler.
x1 Number Horizontal coordinate of the starting point.
y1 Number Vertical coordinate of the starting point.
x2 Number Horizontal coordinate of the end point.
y2 Number Vertical coordinate of the end point.
width Number Width.
angle Number Angle to the X-axis.
startcap String Name of start cap.
endcap String Name of end cap.

List of object properties: BusEntry

Property Type Description
style String Name of the style.
styleh String Style handler.
x1 Number Horizontal coordinate of the anchor point.
y1 number Vertical coordinate of the anchor point.
x2 Number Horizontal coordinate of the plug point.
y2 Number Vertical coordinate of the plug point.

List of object properties: Power

Property Type Description
name String Name.

List of object properties: Probe

Property Type Description
style String Name of the style.
styleh String Style handler.
x Number Horizontal coordinate of the plug point.
y Number Vertical coordinate of the plug point.
name String Name.

List of object properties: Pad

Property Type Description
style String Name of the style.
styleh String Style handler.
x Number Horizontal coordinate.
y Number Vertical coordinate.
angle Number Angle of rotation.
istestpoint Boolean If the pad is a test point is equal to TRUE otherwise it is FALSE.
issmd Boolean If the pad is SMD is equal to TRUE otherwise it is FALSE.
isplated Boolean If the pad has the metallized hole is equal to TRUE otherwise it is FALSE.
isslot Boolean If the pad has the slot type hole is equal to TRUE otherwise it is FALSE.
holesize Number Diameter of the hole.
net String The name of the net to which the pad belongs.

List of object properties: Via

Property Type Description
style String Name of the style.
styleh String Style handler.
x Number Horizontal coordinate.
y Numero Vertical coordinate.
istestpoint Boolean If the pad is a test point is equal to TRUE otherwise it is FALSE.
holesize Number Diameter of the hole.
net String The name of the net to which the pad belongs.

List of object properties: Track

Property Type Description
style String Name of the style.
styleh String Style handler.
x1 Number Horizontal coordinate of the starting point.
y1 Number Vertical coordinate of the starting point
x2 Number Horizontal coordinate of the end point.
y2 Number Vertical coordinate of the end point.
width Number Width.
len Number Length.
angle Number Angle to the X-axis.
net String The name of the net to which the track belongs.

List of object properties: TrackArc

Property Type Description
style String Name of the style.
styleh String Style handler.
cx Number Horizontal coordinate of the center.
cy Number Vertical coordinate of the center.
x1 Number Horizontal coordinate of the starting point.
y1 Number Vertical coordinate of the starting point.
x2 Number Horizontal coordinate of the end point.
y2 Number Vertical coordinate of the end point.
width Number Width.
len Number Length.
net String The name of the net to which the track belongs.

List of object properties: Device

Property Type Description
ref String Reference.
val String Value.

See also