To search for text, specify the text string to search for in the Find box, set the search mode and then click the Find button. The recurrences of the searched text are listed in the Find tab of Message panel.


If you want to replace the found text, specify it in the Substitute with box. The replacement must be done in the Find tab of Message panel.

Search mode

The search mode indicates the correspondence between the specified text string and the one to be found.

Option Description

Whole word

Find only whole words. For example: looking for "13", it finds the string "13, 14" but not the string "134" or "213".

Single word

Find only single words. For example: looking for "13", it finds the string "13" but not the string "13, 14" or the "134".

Match case

Find text by making a difference between upper and lower case characters. For example: searching for "Net1" finds "Net1" but not "NET1" or "net1".

Where to search

Specify where to search.

Option Description

Search only in current view

The search is carried out only among the objects belonging to the layers included in the current view.

Search only in the current page

Restrict the search to objects belonging to the current page only.

Search on all pages of the document

The search is carried out on all pages of the document.

Specify in which objects the search is to be performed.

Option Description

Any type of object

The search is carried out in any type of object, otherwise only objects belonging to the indicated types are taken into consideration.

Search also in attributes

Search the text also among the attributes of the object.

Search only among selectable objects

Enable this option to restrict the search to only selectable objects, disable it to extend the search to hidden or protected objects.

Compare only text, ignore style

Enable this option to ignore text formatting.

See also