The Messages panel shows a report that shows the result of the search operations or the output of some program commands.


For some tabs such as the one that reports the results of search operations, you can right-click inside the tab to display a menu with commands relevant to the selected item.

Find Tab

The Find tab shows the result of a search operation

A search operation initiated by the Find command from the Modify ribbon panel.
For more information, see Find and replace text.

A search operation initiated by the Find in libraries dialog box.
For more information, see the Find in libraries dialog box.

Find Tab Commands

Command Description


Opens the document containing the indicated element and displays it.

Delete all 

Deletes all lines from the report.

Activate row 

Activates the check mark in the selected row.

Disable row 

Disables the check mark in the selected row.

Activate all 

Activates the check mark in all lines of the report.

Disable all 

Disables the check mark in all lines of the report.


Replaces text in all rows that have the check mark.

Find component 

Opens the Find in libraries to perform a global search for symbols and components in all library files.

Open library 

Opens the library corresponding to the selected line.

Build Tab

The Build tab reports the result of a build command. For example, in this tab are listed the errors found during the compilation of an electric scheme for generating the netlist, during the ERC control of an electric scheme or during the DRC control of a PCB.

Commands on the Build tab

Coomand Description


Opens the document containing the indicated element and displays it. If the error involves more than one component, selecting the Show command repeatedly shows all components.

Delete all 

Deletes all lines from the report.

Output Tab

The Output tab shows messages generated by some commands. For example, this tab shows the response message of the Spacing size command from the PCB menu.

Output Tab Commands

Command Description


Opens the document containing the indicated element and displays it. If the message involves multiple elements, select the Show command repeatedly to display them.

Delete all 

Deletes all lines from the report.

See also