This dialog box lists all nets to be completed.
Select all net that must be handled by the autorouter.
To select all nets click on the button.
To deselect all nets click on the
To select all the nets of a class, select the class and click the Enable class button. To deselect all the nets of a class, select the class and click the Disable class button.
Lists the routing layers. To disable routing on a layer, set the routing direction to Off.
- Lock all Pre-routes
Specifies that all existing tracks should not be changed.
Choose the tool to use.
To route the PCB with the Grid Autorouter
Choose the command PCB » Routing » Autorouter or click on the tool
in the toolbar. The Autorouter dialog opens.
Select the nets to track and the tool to use.
Click on Ok. The dialog box in which to set the specific options for the selected autorouter opens.
Set the options and start the autorouter by clicking on Ok.
To route the PCB with FreeRouting Autorouter
Choose the command PCB » Routing » Autorouter or click on the tool
in the toolbar. The Autorouter dialog opens.
Select the nets to track and the tool to use.
Click on Ok. The autorouter application starts while waits for the response file.
In the Autorouter application, route the PCB. At the end, choose the command File » Save and Exit.
To route the PCB with ELECTRA Autorouter
Choose the command PCB » Routing » Autorouter or click on the tool
in the toolbar. The Autorouter dialog opens.
Select the nets to track and the tool to use.
Click on Ok. The dialog box in which to set the specific options for the selected autorouter opens.
Set the options and click on OK.
The autorouter application starts while waits for the response file.
In the Autorouter application, route the PCB. At the end, export the file Specctra Session file (.ses).
To route the PCB with an autorouter with SPECCTRA® interface
Choose the command PCB » Routing » Autorouter or click on the tool
in the toolbar. The Autorouter dialog opens.
Select the nets to track and the tool to use.
Click on Ok. The dialog box in which to set the specific options for the selected autorouter opens.
Set the options and click on OK.
A dialog box opens in which you can specify the name of the file in Specctra Design (.dsn) format.
Specify the name of the file and click on Ok. The application of the autorouter is started. The dialog box from which to import the Specctra Session File (.ses) generated by the autorouter opens.
In the Autorouter application, import the Specctra Design file (.dsn) file and route the PCB. At the end, export the file Specctra Session file (.ses).
In , import the file Specctra Session file (. ses) generated by the Autorouter.