Text documents are also used as containers for the data resulting from the simulations. The data is in the form of vectors. Vectors can be combined into algebraic expressions to generate additional vectors.

Simulations in which more than one parameter is varied produce two-dimensional vectors. For example, a transient analysis in which the temperature is also varied.

The dialog box lists all the vectors belonging to the current document. For each vector, the name, description and unit of measure are given. The type indicates the type of data and can be real or complex. Finally, the number of vector dimensions, the number of elements referred to each dimension and the number of total elements are reported.

You can rename and delete a vector or add new vectors by importing them from other documents.

To add a new vector

  1. Click the Add button. The New vector dialog box appears.

  2. Specify the vector name and expression and then click Ok.

To rename a vector

  1. Select the vector to rename.

  2. Click on the name of the vector.

  3. Enter the new name.

To change the description of a vector

  1. Select the vector.

  2. Click the description of the vector.

  3. Type the description or select a value from the list.

To change the unit of measure of a vector

  1. Select the vector.

  2. Click the unit of measure of the vector.

  3. Type the new value or select it from the list.

To delete a vector

  1. Select the vector to delete.

  2. Click the Deletebutton.

To set the scale vector

The scale vector is generally the vector assigned to the x-axis of a diagram and usually corresponds to the vector Time in a transient analysis and to the vector Frequency in an AC analysis.

  1. Select the vector.

  2. Click the Scale box in the same line as the vector.

To change the expression

To change an expression, do one of the following:

  • Select the vector to be modified and then click on the Edit button.

  • Right-click the expression to open the dialog box where you can specify the new value.

  • Select the vector you want to change then click the box containing the expression and type the new value.

See also