Using this dialog box, you can define a new vector by combining existing vectors into an algebraic expression, or you can specify numerical data directly.


Specify the name of the vector. The specified name must not be on the list of vectors belonging to the document.


In this field the expression defining the vector must be specified or the numerical data can be specified directly.

Specifying an expression

An expression consists of a sequence of operators and operands that can be both vectors and scalars. For information on operators and functions that can be used in expressions, see Vector expressions.

Specify data directly

To directly specify the numeric data, the following syntax must be respected:

<TYPE> [(<dim1>[,<dim>]*)] <value>*

where TYPE specifies the type of data and can be REAL for single real numerical values or COMPLEX for pairs of numerical values of which the first represents the real part and the second the imaginary part of a complex number.

The value in round brackets can be omitted for single-dimension vectors while it must necessarily be specified for multi-dimension vectors. The numbers within the brackets specify the length of each dimension. A vector can contain a maximum of 8 dimensions.

Numerical values must be separated by at least one space character or by a comma or semicolon.


REAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

REAL (2,5) 1 2 3 4 5; 1 2 3 4 5

COMPLEX 9.8e-1,-9.2e-9 2.5e-1,7.3e8

See also