In graphical documents, objects (lines, arcs, etc.) can be organized in drawing layers and these in turn can be collected in views.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Name Description
AddLayer Adds a layer in the view.
GetActiveLayer Gets the active layer in the view.
GetFlags To get the view property flags.
GetLayerCount Returns the number of layers in the view.
GetLayerFromType Returns the specified layer.
GetLayerIterator Returns the iterator that can be used for iteration or layer retrieval.
GetName Returns the name of the view.
GetNextLayer Gets the layer identified by the iterator.
IsValid Returns true if the object is a valid view otherwise returns false.
RemoveLayer Removes the layer from the view.
SetActiveLayer Sets the active layer in the view.
SetFlags To set the view property flags.
SetName Set the name of the view.

See also