Select or deselect a table cell.
Syntax: |
DlxTable.SelectCell(row, column, select)
Parameter |
Description |
row |
Row index. |
column |
Column index. |
select |
Specify true to select the cell or false to deselect it. |
Return Value
If the operation ends correctly it returns true otherwise it returns false.
Copy code
var prj = DlxApp.GetJob().GetProject("Example Sch");
if (!prj.IsValid())
prj = DlxApp.GetJob().NewProject("Example Sch");
var doc = prj.GetDocument("Examples Sch", DlxApp.DOCTYPE_SCHEMATIC);
if (!doc.IsValid())
doc = prj.NewDocument("Examples Sch", DlxApp.DOCTYPE_SCHEMATIC);
doc.SetPageFormat("A4", false);
if (doc.IsValid() && doc.Activate())
var page = doc.GetActivePage();
if (page.IsValid())
var layer = page.GetLayerFromType(DlxApp.LAYERTYPE_DRAWING);
if (layer.IsValid())
var table = layer.DrawTable(new DlxRect(50,40,160,90), 4, 5);
table.SetCellEdgePen(new DlxPenStyle(0.5, "Blue"), DlxApp.TABLECELLEDGE_ALL);
table.SelectCell(0, 0, true);
table.SelectCell(0, 4, true);
table.SetCellBackgBrush(new DlxBrushStyle("lightgray"));
See also