Enables or disables the recording of operations on objects.
Syntax: |
DlxPage.EnableUndo(enable, reset = true) |
Parameter | Description |
enable | Specify true to enable recording of operations performed on objects or false to disable it. |
reset | Specify true to clear the undo stack. |
Return Value
If the operation ends correctly, it returns true otherwise it returns false.
If the undo is disabled, the entire undo stack is reset.
Copy code | |
var prj = DlxApp.GetJob().GetProject("Example Sch");
if (!prj.IsValid())
prj = DlxApp.GetJob().NewProject("Example Sch");
var doc = prj.GetDocument("Examples Sch", DlxApp.DOCTYPE_SCHEMATIC);
if (!doc.IsValid())
doc = prj.NewDocument("Examples Sch", DlxApp.DOCTYPE_SCHEMATIC);
doc.SetPageFormat("A4", false);
if (doc.IsValid() && doc.Activate())
var page = doc.GetActivePage();
if (page.IsValid())
var layer = page.GetLayerFromType(DlxApp.LAYERTYPE_DRAWING);
if (layer.IsValid())
// non-cancelable operations.
layer.DrawLine(new DlxPoint(50,50), new DlxPoint(50,70));
layer.DrawLine(new DlxPoint(50,70), new DlxPoint(75,80));
layer.DrawLine(new DlxPoint(75,80), new DlxPoint(100,70));
layer.DrawLine(new DlxPoint(100,70), new DlxPoint(100,50));
layer.DrawLine(new DlxPoint(100,50), new DlxPoint(50,50));
layer.DrawLine(new DlxPoint(50,50), new DlxPoint(50,50));
// cancelable operations.
layer.DrawLine(new DlxPoint(50,70), new DlxPoint(100,70));