Creates a frame. Frame objects are used to define symbols and footprints.
![]() |
DlxPage.DrawFrame(rect, number, name = "", info = ") |
Parameter | Description |
rect | A DlxRect object that specifies the frame rectangle. |
number | A string that specifies the part number. |
name | A string that specifies the name to assign to the symbol. |
info | A string with a brief description of the symbol. |
Return Value
The last newly created DlxFrame object. Call the IsValid() method to determine if the object was created correctly.
The object is created on the Library Frames (DlxApp.LAYERTYPE_LIBRARYFRAMES) layer. If the layer is not present on the page, the object is not created and this function returns an invalid object.
![]() |
var prj = DlxApp.GetJob().GetProject("Example Footprints");
if (!prj.IsValid())
prj = DlxApp.GetJob().NewProject("Example Footprints");
var pcbDoc = prj.NewDocument("Examples Footprints", DlxApp.DOCTYPE_PCB);
if (pcbDoc.IsValid() && pcbDoc.Activate())
// Initialize the document
pcbDoc.SetPageFormat("A4", true);
var page = pcbDoc.NewPage("DIP14", 0, true);
page.SelectView("Default View");
if (page.LoadLayerStack("footprints library layer stack.clxlys"))
// Draw the frame
var hotspotPoint = new DlxPoint(105, 150);
page.DrawFrame(new DlxRect(10,10,200,290), 1, "DIP14", "Dual-in-line 14 leads.");
var body = new DlxRect();
body.SetCentered(hotspotPoint, 4.5, 18);
page.DrawReference(body.TopLeft(), "U?", 0, DlxApp.TEXTALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT);
page.DrawValue(body.BottomLeft(), "Value", 0, DlxApp.TEXTALIGN_TOPLEFT);