A logical grouping of data, similar to transparent acetate overlays on a drawing.
Inheritance Hierarchy
Name | Description |
DrawAlignedDimension | Creates an aligned dimension object. |
DrawAngularDimension | Creates an angular dimension for an arc, two lines, or a circle. |
DrawAttribute | Creates an attribute object. |
DrawBus | Creates a line of bus. |
DrawBusentry | Creates bus input terminals. |
DrawBezier | Creates a Bézier spline. |
DrawClipart | Insert a clipart into the drawing. |
DrawCopper | Creates a copper area. |
DrawCourtyard | Creates a courtyard. |
DrawCurve | Creates a cardinal spline. |
DrawDiagram | Inserts a diagram into the drawing. |
DrawDiametricDimension | Creates a diametric dimension for a circle or arc given the two points. |
DrawEllipse | Creates an ellipse, a circle or an arc. |
DrawFrame | Create a Frame object. |
DrawHorizontalDimension | Creates a horizontal dimension line object. |
DrawHotspot | Create a hotspot. |
DrawImage | Inserts a bitmap image into the drawing. |
DrawKeepout | Creates a keepout area. |
DrawLeader | Creates a leader line based on the provided coordinates. |
DrawLine | Creates a line passing through two points. |
DrawNetlabel | Adds a Netlabel in the schematic. |
DrawPad | Adds a pad in the PCB. |
DrawParagraph | Creates a paragraph of text. |
DrawPath | Creates a path from a list of vertices. |
DrawPin | Adds a new pin. |
DrawPolygon | Creates a polygon from a list of vertices. |
DrawPolyline | Creates a polyline from a list of vertices. |
DrawPort | Creates a port. |
DrawPowerPort | Creates a power port. |
DrawProbe | Creates a probe. |
DrawRadialDimension | Creates a radial dimension object. |
DrawRectangle | Creates a rectangle. |
DrawReference | Creates a DlxReference object. |
DrawShape | Create a shape consisting of lines, curves, and arcs. |
DrawSheet | Adds a sheet to a drawing. |
DrawTable | Adds a table to a drawing. |
DrawText | Creates a single line of text. |
DrawTrack | Creates a track on the PCB. |
DrawValue | Creates a DlxValue object. |
DrawVerticalDimension | Creates a vertical dimension line object. |
DrawWire | Creates a wire. |
GetBackObjectIterator | Returns the iterator from the back object of the layer. |
GetDocument | Returns the document to which the layer belongs. |
GetFlags | To get the layer property flags. |
GetFrontObjectIterator | Returns the iterator from the front object of the layer. |
GetName | Returns the name of the layer. |
GetNextObject | Gets the next object for iterating. |
GetObjectCount | Returns the number of objects on the layer. |
GetPage | Returns the page to which the layer belongs. |
GetPrevObject | Gets the previous object for iterating. |
GetType | Returns the layer type. |
IsEmpty | Check if the layer contains objects. |
IsValid | Returns true if the object is a valid layer otherwise returns false. |
SetName | Set the name of the layer. |