Set the options for this frame.



Parameter Description
options Specify a combination of the values in the following table:
Value Meaning
DlxApp.FRAMEFLAGS_AUTONUMBER If this option is enabled, when the frame object is changed the number is automatically repositioned.
DlxApp.FRAMEFLAGS_AUTONAME If this option is enabled, when the frame object is changed the name is automatically repositioned.
DlxApp.FRAMEFLAGS_AUTOINFO If this option is enabled, when the frame object is changed the description is automatically repositioned.
DlxApp.FRAMEFLAGS_FULLSYMBOL If this option is enabled, it indicates that the frame describes the complete symbol.
DlxApp.FRAMEFLAGS_HIDENUM If this option is enabled, the number is not displayed.
DlxApp.FRAMEFLAGS_HIDENAME If this option is enabled, the name is not displayed.
DlxApp.FRAMEFLAGS_HIDEINFO If this option is enabled, the description is not displayed.
DlxApp.FRAMEFLAGS_INFOCENTERED Center the description in the box.
DlxApp.FRAMEFLAGS_VIRTUALDEVICE Enable this option for symbols that do not represent a real component. For example, symbols specific to the simulation such as the SPICE directives.
DlxApp.FRAMEFLAGS_PCBDEVICE Enable this option for symbols that do not represent a real component. For example, PCB-specific symbols such as SMD jumpers or printed inductances.

Return Value

If the operation ends correctly, it returns true otherwise it returns false.


  Copy codeCopy code

See also