The Widen method replaces this figure with curves that enclose the area formed when the figure is enlarged by the value specified in width.

DlxFigure.Widen(width, startCap, endCape, joinMode)


Parameter Description
width Extent of the new figure.
startCap The startCap value specifies the type of graphic shape to be used at the beginning of the enlarged figure. Specify one of the following values:
Value Meaning
DlxApp.WIDENCAPS_FLAT Specifies that the line ends at the last point. The end is squared off.
DlxApp.WIDENCAPS_SQUARE Specifies a square cap. The center of the square is the last point in the line. The height and width of the square are the line width.
DlxApp.WIDENCAPS_ROUND Specifies a circular cap. The center of the circle is the last point in the line. The diameter of the circle is the line width.
DlxApp.WIDENCAPS_NSQUARE It produces a recess.
DlxApp.WIDENCAPS_NROUND It produces a rounded recess.
endCap The endCap value specifies the type of graphic shape to be used at the end of the widened figure. Specify one of the following values:
Value Meaning
DlxApp.WIDENCAPS_FLAT Specifies that the line ends at the last point. The end is squared off.
DlxApp.WIDENCAPS_SQUARE Specifies a square cap. The center of the square is the last point in the line. The height and width of the square are the line width.
DlxApp.WIDENCAPS_ROUND Specifies a circular cap. The center of the circle is the last point in the line. The diameter of the circle is the line width.
DlxApp.WIDENCAPS_NSQUARE It produces a recess.
DlxApp.WIDENCAPS_NROUND It produces a rounded recess.
joinMode Specify one of the following values:
Value Meaning
DlxApp.WIDENJOIN_FLAT Specifies a beveled join. This produces a diagonal corner.
DlxApp.WIDENJOIN_ROUND Specifies a circular join. This produces a smooth, circular arc between the lines.
DlxApp.WIDENJOIN_MITER Specifies a mitered join. This produces a sharp corner.

Return Value

If the operation ends correctly it returns true otherwise it returns false.


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See also