Calculate the distance between the pads of a through-hole device. The calculation takes into account the IPC level selected in the Footprint wizard dialog box.

FWiz.CalcAxialSpacing(bodyLength, bodyWidth, terminalWidth, bVertical=false)


Parameter Description
bodyLength A string with the parameter name that specifies the length of the component body. The parameter must be defined with DefineDimensionRange in the OnInitialize event handler function.
bodyWidth A string with the parameter name that specifies the width of the component body. The parameter must be defined with DefineDimensionRange in the OnInitialize event handler function.
terminalWidth A string with the parameter name that specifies the diameter of the component terminals. The parameter must be defined with DefineDimensionRange in the OnInitialize event handler function.
bVertical Specify true if the component is arranged vertically otherwise false.

Return Value

Returns the calculated value for the parameter: pad spacing.


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See also