Create a shape consisting of lines, curves, and arcs on the legend layer.

FWizLegend.DrawShape(shapeDef, mode=FWiz.SHAPEMODE_OUTLINE)


Parameter Description
shapeDef String with the definition of the shape. For more information, see Shape Format Specifications.
mode A combination of the following values:
Value Meaning
FWiz.SHAPEMODE_OUTLINE Draw the outline of the shape.
FWiz.SHAPEMODE_FILLED Draw the fill of the shape.

Return Value

If an error occurs it returns false otherwise it returns true.


  Copy codeCopy code
var ctx = FWiz.GetLegendCtx();
ctx.DrawShape("V90,110,0;V110,130,0;V130,110,0;V90,110,-120;", FWiz.SHAPEMODE_OUTLINE);

See also