A Text Leader consists of a reference line with an arrowhead and the attached text. The reference line is a shape object. When a Text Leader object is selected and the Edit tool is active, the control hooks of the individual segments that compose the reference line are displayed.

When the control hooks are visible, the following operations can be performed:

  • Drag the hooks located in the vertices of the segments of the reference line.

  • Click anywhere on the label and drag the mouse to move the object.

  • Right-click on a hook to display the corresponding menu of commands.


While dragging a hook you can press TAB to constrain the horizontal or vertical displacement from the starting position.

To edit the text

Select the object and perform one of the following operations:

  1. Choose the Edit Text command from the Graphics » Text menu.

  2. Press the key combination SHIFT+ENTER.

  3. Activate the context menu with the right mouse button and choose the command Edit Text .

Commands in the hook menu

Command Description

Move All

Moves all active hooks. Displays the Move dialog box.

Deselect All

Deactivates all active hooks.

Select Hook

Activates the clicked hook.

Deselect Hook

Disables the clicked hook.

Move Vertex

Displays the dialog box in which to specify the new vertex coordinates.

Insert Vertex

Adds a new linear segment by inserting a vertex at the midpoint of the segment.

Remove Segment

Removes the segment to which the hook belongs.

Convert to Line

Converts the segment to a line.

Convert to Arc

Converts the segment to an arc.

Convert to Bezier

Converts the segment to a Bezier curve.

Convert to Spline

Converts the segment to a spline curve.

Toggle Direction

Reverses the direction of the arc.

Set Center

Set the center of the arc.

Set Axes

Sets the length of the axes of an ellipse arc.

Start Angle

Displays the dialog box in which to specify the new value of the starting angle.

End Angle

Displays the dialog box in which to specify the new value of the end angle.

Move Point

Displays the dialog box in which to specify the new coordinates of the point of a spline curve.

Insert Point

Adds a new point in a spline curve.

Remove Point

Removes a point from a spline curve.


Sets the point of a Bezier curve as the angular point.


Sets the point of a Bezier curve as a slight damping point.


Sets the point of a Bezier curve as a symmetrical point.

Move Text Leader

Displays the Move dialog box. This command acts only on the object to which the clicked hook belongs and allows you to move an object included in a group independently of the other objects in the group.

Rotate Text Leader

Displays the Rotate dialog box. This command acts only on the object to which the clicked hook belongs and allows you to rotate an object included in a group independently of the other objects in the group.

Resize Text Leader

Displays the Resize dialog box. This command acts only on the object to which the clicked hook belongs and allows you to resize an object included in a group independently of the other objects in the group.

Properties Text Leader

Displays the Properties dialog box. This command acts only on the object to which the clicked hook belongs and allows you to modify the parameters of an object included in a group independently of the other objects in the group.

Show reference point

Displays the transformation center of the selection. The transformation center is initially hidden and is set in the center of the selection rectangle. See the Transformation center.

See also