For some families of components it is possible to create footprints automatically by specifying the dimensional parameters of the components in the dialog box Footprint wizard. The automatic footprint generation procedure creates all the footprint objects within the perimeter of the corresponding frame object and saves the dimensional parameters of the component in the FWIZDATA attribute of the frame object.
To make changes to the three footprints of a 3-tier library without having to re-specify all parameters, perform the following procedure:
Deselect any selected objects.
Choose the Library » Footprint Wizard » Build Footprint command or click on the tool
in the toolbar. The Footprint wizard dialog opens, initialized with the component size parameters saved in the FWIZDATA attribute of one of the frames on the page.
In the dialog box, change the dimensional parameters of the component.
Click on Ok to close the wizard. Footprints are assembled using the new parameters.