The properties of a Diagram are listed in two tabs.


The parameters in this tab allow you to define the position and size of the diagram.


Specify the coordinates of the center of the diagram.


Specify the width and height of the diagram.


Specify the rotation angle of the diagram relative to the x axis.


Select the style of the diagram or create a new style. See Diagram style.

Graphic parameters

Diagram title

Specify the title of the diagram. The title is reproduced at the top center of the frame containing the diagram. Leave this field blank to use the name of the data source document as the title of the diagram. The format string consists of zero or more directives and common characters. A directive is formed by the character '$' followed by a character that determines the substitution that must take place. All common characters are copied unchanged. The directives are as follows:


Inserts the name of the data source document.


Inserts a new line.


Specifies that the title should not be displayed.

Diagram type

Select the diagram type. Choose Smith chart for a Smith chart where data is transformed by the (x-1)/(x+1) function. To have a polar diagram with Smith's grid without transforming the data choose Smith grid.

Plot type

Three different data representations are available. In a Linear graph the individual points are joined by line segments. Line segments are not displayed in a Points graph where a symbol is reproduced at each point; you must also select the symbol to be associated with the data. In a chart of type Combined a vertical segment is drawn from each point and the x axis.


X-axis title

Specify the title for the X-axis. Leave this field blank to use the default title. The format string consists of zero or more directives and common characters. A directive is formed by the character '$' followed by a character that determines the substitution that must take place. All common characters are copied unchanged. The directives are as follows:


Specifies the location in which to insert the vector name.


Specifies the position in which to insert the symbol indicating the scale used (m,n,k ecc.).


Specifies the position in which to insert the unit symbol.


Specifies the location in which to enter any information available for data.


Inserts a new line.


Specifies that the title should not be displayed.

Lower limit

Specify the lower limit for the X axis or select Auto to determine the value automatically.

Upper limit

Specify the upper limit for the X axis or select Auto to determine the value automatically.


Select the type of scale between Linear and Logarithmic.

Grid spacing

Specify the spacing for the grid along the X axis or select Auto to determine the value automatically.


Specify the unit of measurement to report for the X axis. Leave this field blank to use the default value.


Y-axis title

Specify the title for the Y axis. Leave this field blank to use the default title. The format string consists of zero or more directives and common characters. A directive is formed by the character '$' followed by a character that determines the substitution that must take place. All common characters are copied unchanged. The directives are as follows:


Specifies the location in which to insert the vector name.


Specifies the position in which to insert the symbol indicating the scale used (m,n,k ecc.).


Specifies the position in which to insert the unit symbol.


Specifies the location in which to enter any information available for data.


Inserts a new line.


Specifies that the title should not be displayed.

Lower limit

Specify the lower limit for the Y axis or select Auto to determine the value automatically.

Upper limit

Specify the upper limit for the Y axis or select Auto to determine the value automatically.


Select the type of scale between Linear and Logarithmic.

Grid spacing

Specify the spacing for the grid along the Y axis or select Auto to determine the value automatically.


Specify the unit of measurement to be reported for the Y axis. Leave this field blank to use the default value.


These parameters determine the activation and style of the cursors. Two cursors are available to measure the displayed curves. In order to use the cursors it is necessary to hook them to the curve on which the measurements must be made. The values corresponding to the position of the cursors are shown in the status bar and in the cursor window. The cursor window can be displayed using the View » Cursors command.

Cursor A active

Specify whether cursor A should be visible.

Cursor B active

Specify whether cursor B should be visible.

Show label on cursor A

Specify whether the value of cursor A should also be displayed on the graph near the cursor.

Show label on cursor B

Specify whether the value of cursor B should also be displayed on the graph near the cursor.


The diagrams allow the data to be represented graphically. Using this tab you can define the data source and which vectors should be displayed in the diagram.

Data source

Data source

This parameter specifies the name of the document that contains the data. In , the source documents of the data are the text documents created as a result of a simulation. To select the data source, click the Browse button to display the dialog box in which to choose the document. The dialog box shows the path to the page linked to the diagram. To choose the page, scroll through the Job tree.

X Vector

Select the vector for the X axis.

List of vectors for the Y axis

Lists the vectors to be shown in the diagram.


Show the name of the vector. Check the box to the left of the vector name to indicate the main vector. The primary vector assigns its name to the Y axis.


Select the style with which to draw the vector.


Select the symbol with which to represent the vector in a point or combined chart.


Specify the value.


Check this box to hook the cursor A to the vector.


Check this box to hook the cursor B to the vector.

To add a vector to the list

  • Click the Add button to open the vector list dialog box.

To remove a vector from the list

  • Select the vector and click the button Remove.

See also