In a schematic, each component is identified by a reference consisting of a code and a progressive number. The prefix (R, C, U etc.) specifies the type of component while the progressive number (R1, R2 etc.) identifies each individual component. The operation of assigning a reference to the components can be either manual or automatic.
The automatic component annotation operation assigns a single reference to all components of the project. It is possible to specify a different numbering for each page or to number only some components without a valid reference (references with ?).
Select one of the available numbering operations.
- Annotate all devices
This operation numbers all components starting with 1.
- Annotate only devices with ?
This operation numbers only the components to which corresponds a reference containing the character ? (R?, C? etc.). Components that have already been numbered are not changed.
- Clear all references
This operation resets all references by inserting the ? character instead of the sequence number.
- Updates the format of multiple parts
This operation only updates the format of the multiple parts. The component numbering is not changed. Before performing numbering, set the new format for multiple parts.
The new format for multiple parts can be set in the Schematic tab in the Job Properties dialog box. Open the Settings group and then choose one of the available formats in the Multipart Format field. The dialog can be activated by selecting the Settings » Job Properties or by using the key combination CTRL+ALT+J.
Multi-parts matching
Specifies which attributes to verify in order to group multiple symbols into one physical component. Two or more parts are grouped together in the same physical component only if the values of the attributes specified in this box match. For example, two NAND ports with two inputs corresponding to a 74LS00 are grouped in the same physical component and each part inserted in the schematic is signed with the prefix and the progressive number of the component followed by the part number (U1-A, U1-B etc.).
Apply to the following
Specify the types of components to be numbered.
You can specify the numbering order among those listed in the box.
This box lists some options. To activate them, click on the line to activate the check mark.
- Keep part number of components
During the automatic component annotation operation, the program tries to merge several similar parts into a single physical component, and this may involve changing the part number assigned in the component properties dialog box. If you do not want the part number to be changed, check this box. This option refers to all components, to keep the part number only for some components you have to activate the keep part number box in the symbol properties dialog box.
- Group symbols in packages
Specify this option to merge several similar parts into one physical component.
- Complete existing packages
If this option is enabled, the existing components are completed first.
- Update PCB after annotation
Also updates component references on the PCB.
- Determines the order of the positions from PCB
When this option is enabled, the position of the components is detected by the PCB and not by the schematic.
- Create report
A document is created indicating the changes made.
Schematic sheets
Lists all pages in the project. The annotation can be turned on or off for each page. You can also specify the initial value of the indexes to be used for the components on the page and any suffix. To activate all pages click on the button activate all. To deactivate all pages click on the button Disable all.
- Start
specify the initial value of the indexes to be used for the components on the page.
- Suffix
If the same range of indexes is repeated on other pages, you must also specify a suffix that makes the reference unique. For example, if the schematic shows a stereo amplifier, you can specify the same interval for both channels and use a different suffix that distinguishes the components of the left channel from those of the right channel (L for left and R for right).
- Link
Specify how the symbols of Multi-Part components are to be merged.
Link Description Project A symbol can be grouped with any other symbol in the project. Document A symbol can only be grouped with symbols that belong to the same document. Page A symbol can only be grouped with symbols that belong to the same page. Private A symbol can only be grouped with symbols that are at the same hierachical level. Public A symbol can only be grouped with symbols that descend hierarchically from the same document. Protected A symbol can only be grouped with symbols that descend hierarchically from the same page.