In this tab you can set the options for the document editor. The options available concern the way graphic objects are displayed and the color scheme for text documents.
Graphic pages
In this tab you can set the formats for the graphic pages and the defaut style for the page and the visible grid.
Page Sizes
Lists the standard paper sizes. Click on Add to create a custom format by specifying the desired size in the form: width x height. Click on Delete to remove the selected format from the list.
Pages style
Sets the display style of the page.
- Color of the page
Select the color of the page.
- Border color of the page
Select the color of the border of the page.
- Show the edge of the page
Select whether the page border should be visible.
- Background color
Select the background color of the editing window.
- Show page shadow
Select whether to display the page shadow.
- Shadow color
Select the color of the shadow.
- Shadow offset(pixels)
Specify the offset of the shadow from the page.
Visible grid style
The visible grid is a rectangular pattern of points or lines that extends over the drawing area. Using a visible grid is like placing a sheet of millimetric paper under a drawing. The grid makes it easier to align objects and display the distance between them. The grid is not printed.
Use the options in this section to change the visible grid display settings. The grid origin point and spacing are defined in the coordinate classes in Document Properties » Coordinate Classes.
The graphical appearance of the visible grid can also be set in the Visible Grid dialog box.
- Minimum width of the grid in pixels to make it visible
This parameter constitutes the grid visibility condition. The grid is not displayed if the distance between the grid lines is less than the set value.
- Area on which to display the grid
Choose the area in which the grid is to be displayed.
- Use lines
You can display the grid as points or lines.
- Show origin
Choose whether the coordinate origin should be displayed.
- Show CAM Origin
Choose whether the coordinate origin for the CAM files should be displayed.
- Grid color
Choose the color of the grid.
- Color of grid divisions
At certain intervals, the main lines of the grid are displayed in different colours.
Grid on PCB
This section allows you to set the style of the visible grid displayed within the polygon that delimits the PCB.
- Show grid
Choose whether to show the grid inside the polygon that delimits the PCB.
- Use lines
You can display the grid as points or lines.
- Grid color
Choose the color of the grid.
Graphics editor
This tab allows you to set the options available for the graphic document editor.
- Show images
Choose whether to make the bitmap images included in the document visible. Bitmap images can slow down the editing of objects in graphic documents. Disabling the display of bitmap images, only an empty rectangle is shown that delimits its size.
This option has no effect on the printing of images. To manage the presence of bitmap images in prints, you must set the relative flag in the object properties dialog box.
- Show OLE
Choose whether to make OLE objects included in the document visible. Viewing OLE objects can slow down editing operations of objects in graphic documents. Disabling the display of OLE objects only shows an empty rectangle that delimits its size.
This option has no effect on printing. To manage the presence of OLE objects in prints, you must set the relative flag in the object properties dialog box.
- Size of the coordinate origin symbol (pixel)
Set the size (in pixels) of the symbol indicating the origin point of the coordinates in graphic documents.
- Size of the CAM coordinate origin symbol (pixel)
Set the size (in pixels) of the symbol indicating the origin point of the CAM coordinates in the PCBs.
Drawing tools
- View motion vector
Choose if the vector indicating the dragging operation of a graphic object should be shown.
- Flashing period (ms)
Set the flashing period (in ms) of the box delimiting the selection box.
- First color
Choose the first color of the border of the box delimiting the selection box.
- Second color
Choose the second color of the border of the box delimiting the selection box.
- Color selection area
Choose the background color of the box delimiting the selection box.
- Width of the automatic scrolling area
Set the width of the auto scroll area related to the width of the available video area. Automatic scrolling occurs during the drawing operation or when dragging graphic objects when the mouse cursor is found outside the visible area of the document.
- Scroll period (ms)
Set the scroll period (in ms). This parameter adjusts the scroll speed.
- Width of the box cursor capture (pixel)
Set the width (in pixels) of the box that causes the cursor to snap to the grid points or to the notable points of the objects.
- Resolution freehand drawing
Set the width (in pixels) of the box that determines the accuracy during a freehand curve drawing operation. The specified value indicates the minimum distance, in pixels, between two consecutive points of the curve. Short line segments allow for greater accuracy, but can significantly increase the size of the data.
- Snap width for dimension lines
Set the amplitude for snapping dimension lines.
Bounding rectangle of selected objects
- Draw the bounding rectangle of the selected objects
If active, a border is drawn around each selected object.
- First color of bounding rectangle of selected objects
Choose the first color of the border bordering each selected object.
- Second color of bounding rectangle of selected objects
Choose the second color of the border bordering each selected object.
Mouse Wheel
- Wheel
Choose the operation to be performed when turning the mouse wheel.
- Wheel+Shift
Choose the operation to be performed when turning the mouse wheel and simultaneously pressing the SHIFT key on the keyboard.
- Wheel+Ctrl
Choose the operation to be performed when turning the mouse wheel while simultaneously pressing the CTRL key on the keyboard.
- Wheel+Shift+Ctrl
Choose the operation to be performed when turning the mouse wheel and simultaneously pressing the SHIFT and CTRL keys on the keyboard.
- Definition of conversion to Bitmap (dpi)
Set the definition in dots per inch of the bitmap conversion.
- Quality of JPEG conversion
Set the quality of the JPEG conversion.
- Number of operations that can be cancelled
Set the number of actions to be stored in memory.
manages a list of the last actions and allows you to undo each of them in sequence. Similarly, you can restore any of the last undone actions.
To undo the last action performed, choose the Edit » Undo command. To restore the last undone action choose the Edit » Restore command.
- Number of decimals for percentage values
Set the number of decimal places.
- Edit text objects in the document
Choose whether you can edit text objects directly from the graphics editor or only from the object properties dialog box. If this feature is enabled, you can edit text objects directly in the graphics editor as follows:
Select the text object to be edited.
Press the key combination SHIFT + ENTER.
- Color of selected objects
Choose the color to use to highlight the PCB objects selected by the Edit tool.
Tool symbol names
This tab allows you to set the names of the symbols used by the tools.
- Name of symbol for text note
Name of the symbol to load for text notes.
- Title block name for the schematic
Name of the title block to insert in the schematic documents.
- Title block name for the PCB
Title block name to insert in PCB documents.
SPICE Editor
This tab allows you to set the options available for the SPICE document editor.
- Font size
Choose the font size. The default is 10.
- Font family
Choose the character to use. The default is Courier new.
- Tab width in characters
Choose the width of the tabs. The default value is 4 characters.
- Display line numbers
Choose whether line numbers are to be displayed.
- Colors
Choose the colors of the different elements present in a SPICE document.
Tools Editor
This tab allows you to set the options available for the editor used by the external modules.
- Font size
Choose the font size. The default is 10.
- Font family
Choose the character to use. The default is Courier new.
- Tab width in characters
Choose the width of the tabs. The default value is 4 characters.
- Display line numbers
Choose whether line numbers are to be displayed.
- Displays reserved words in bold
Choose how to display reserved words.
- Colors
Choose the colors of the different elements in a document.
Text Editor
This tab allows you to set the options available for the generic text editor.
- Font size
Choose the font size. The default is 10.
- Font family
Choose the character to use. The default is Courier new.
- Tab width in characters
Choose the width of the tabs. The default value is 4 characters.
- Display line numbers
Choose whether line numbers are to be displayed.
- Colors
Choose the colors of the different elements in a document.