These symbols represent a simple transformer with coupled inductors.
Single secondary winding
Parameter | Description | Default |
INDPRI | Primary Inductance | 1mH |
INDSEC | Secondary Inductance | 1mH |
COUP | Coefficient of Coupling | 0.999 |
ICPRI | Primary Initial Current | |
ICSEC | Secondary Initial Current |
Dual secondary winding
Parameter | Description | Default |
INDPRI | Primary Inductance | 10mH |
INDSEC1 | Secondary Inductance 1 | 2.2H |
INDSEC2 | Secondary Inductance 2 | 2.2H |
COUP | Coefficient of Coupling | 0.99 |
ICPRI | Primary Initial Current | |
ICSEC1 | Secondary 1 Initial Current | |
ICSEC2 | Secondary 2 Initial Current |
See also
Inductive Coupling
Magnetic Core
Subcircuit Transformer
XSpice Transformer