Truth Table

The d_table block sets output logic states based on truth table. The model can be configured to behave as virtually any type of counter or combinational logic block and can be used to replace very large digital circuit schematics with an identically functional but faster representation.

The d_table model is configured through the use of a table definition file. The file defines the truth table function used to set the level and strength of the specified outputs.

example 1:

*----- begin Flip-Flop file ------
 CLR  PRE  CE  D  C  |  Q
                     |  1
 H    L    X   X  X  |  L (param1)
 L    H    X   X  X  |  H (param2)
 L    L    L   X  X  |  Q
 L    L    H   L  R  |  L
 L    L    H   H  R  |  H
*---------- end file -------------

example 2:

*--- begin comparator file ----
 A[2] B[2] | EQ
 X    X    | A==B
*-------- end file ------------

example 3:

*------------ begin counter file -----------------
 CLR  LD  CE  C  UP  D[2] |  Q[2]  TC  CEO
 1    X   X   X  X   X    |  L     L   L 
 0    1   X   R  X   X    |  D     TC  CEO
 0    0   1   R  1   X    |  Inc   TC  CEO  10n
 0    0   1   R  0   X    |  Dec   TC  CEO  10n 
 0    X   X   X  X   X    |  Q     TC  CEO 
#TC =  ((Q==3) && UP) || ((Q==0) && !UP)
#CEO = (((Q==3) && UP) || ((Q==0) && !UP)) && (CE)
*--------------- end file ------------------------


A comment, beginning with a * in the first column. In a row everything after the ; is considered a comment and removed.


The first line is the header and list the inputs and outputs. First, the inputs are specified and then separated by | are specified the outputs. The order of the inputs and outputs is the same as the definition of the component. The name of the inputs and outputs are only used as a reference in the table and have no relation to the actual names of the pins.

The vectors of input and output use square brackets to enclose width. eg. DATA[8]. When an output vector is used as input, only the name must be specified. No spaces are allowed in vector definition.

The outputs are updated from left to right, therefore the outputs that depend on other outputs should be specified after these. To use the output port state before it was upgraded you have to prefix the port name with the underscore character.

If in the table header the input ports are listed in a different order from the definition of the component use the @ prefix to define the list of inputs and outputs.

The input column with name ? represents a column of conditional expressions. The corresponding line will be considered only if the expression is verified.

Definition of the inputs

If a line begins with the text @I is a definition of the inputs. The order of the inputs is the same as the definition of the component. The name of the inputs and outputs are only used as a reference in the table and have no relation to the actual names of the pins. Use this form to define the inputs that are not present in the header of the table but are used in expressions or if in the table header the input ports are listed in a different order from the definition of the component. The form is the following:

@I [startindex] <inp> [inp...] [@I <startindex> <inp> [inp...]]


@I 0 D[4] CLK EN  ;D is a vector at index 0..3, CLK is at index 4, EN is at index 5
@I D[4] CLK EN  ;D is a vector at index 0..3, CLK is at index 4, EN is at index 5
@I D[4] CLK EN @I 0 D3 D2 D1 D0  ;D is a vector at index 0..3, CLK is at index 4, EN is at index 5, D3 is bit 3 of vector D at index 0, D2 is bit 2 of vector D at index 1, D1 is bit 1 of vector D at index 2, D0 is bit 0 of vector D at index 3

Definition of the outputs

If a line begins with the text @O is a definition of the outputs. The order of the outputs is the same as the definition of the component. The name of the inputs and outputs are only used as a reference in the table and have no relation to the actual names of the pins. Use this form to define the outputs that are not present in the header of the table but are used in expressions or if in the table header the output ports are listed in a different order from the definition of the component. The form is the following:

@O [startindex] <out> [out...] [@O <startindex> <out> [out...]]


The expressions placed within the table should not contain spaces or must be enclosed by parentheses (see example 2).

If a line begins with a # character is considered a definition of an expression (see example 3). The form is the following:

#<name> = <definition of the expression>

In the output expressions the state of an output port corresponds to the state of the port after it has been changed. To use the port status before it was upgraded you have to prefix the port name with the underscore character.


The interface parameters (delay, param1 .. param10) can be used in expressions (see example 1).


At the end of each row can optionally be specified the output delay if is different from the default specified by the delay parameter (see examples 1 and 3).

Each row is tested sequentially from top to bottom until the input condition are met. The outputs are set for the first row to meet the input conditions.

If a row begins with the character | is the initialization row of the outputs. If you do not specify an initialization row all outputs are initialized to the zero state (see example 1).

Valid input states

Value State
L Low.
0 Low.
H High.
1 High.
R Rise. Low to High transition.
F Fall. High to Low transition.
X Don't care.
expression Use input expression.
number Decimal number. Only for vectors.
$xxxx Hexadecimal number. Only for vectors. $1A
%xxxx Binary number. Only for vectors. %0101

Valid output states

Value State
L Low. For vectors indicates all bits 0.
0 Low. For vectors is number 0.
H High. For vectors indicates all bits 1.
1 High. For vectors is number 1.
Z Unknown.
X Invalid state. A random value (H or L).
Inc Increment. Only for vectors.
Dec Decrement. Only for vectors.
expression Use output expression.
input State of referenced input.
output State of referenced output.
number Decimal number. Only for vectors.
$xxxx Hexadecimal number. Only for vectors. $1A
%xxxx Binary number. Only for vectors. %0101
<0(n)Port Shift left with load 0 of vector port. (n) and Port are optional. default n=1.
<1(n)Port Shift left with load 1 of vector port. (n) and Port are optional. default n=1.
<+(n)Port Shift Rotate left of vector port. (n) and Port are optional. default n=1.
<-(n)Port Shift Rotate inverted left of vector port. (n) and Port are optional. default n=1.
<(n)Port Shift left of vector port. (n) and Port are optional. default n=1.
0>(n)Port Shift right with load 0 of vector port. (n) and Port are optional. default n=1.
1>(n)Port Shift right with load 1 of vector port. (n) and Port are optional. default n=1.
+>(n)Port Shift Rotate right of vector port. (n) and Port are optional. default n=1.
->(n)Port Shift Rotate inverted right of vector port. (n) and Port are optional. default n=1.
>(n)Port Shift right of vector port. (n) and Port are optional. default n=1.

It also allows Input and Output pin names with optional prefixes to specify the output states. Prefixes are:

Prefix Description
  ~ State is the inverse of the state.
  _ State is the previous state.

Output state letters can be followed by a suffix to indicate strength (eg. Hr).

Suffix Strength

If a strength character is not specified after an output state then STRONG will be used for L and H states and HI_IMPEDANCE will be used for Z states.

Port Table

Description Direction Default Type Allowed Types Vector Vector Bounds Null Allowed
input IN d d YES 1 / - NO
output OUT d d YES 1 / - NO

Parameter Table

Name Description Data Type Default Value Limits Vector Vector Bounds Null Allowed
delay default delay Real 1.0e-9   NO   YES
table_file table specification file name String table.txt   NO   NO
input_load input loading capacitance (F) Real 1.0e-12   NO   YES
param1 parameter 1 Real 0.0   NO   YES
param2 parameter 2 Real 0.0   NO   YES
param3 parameter 3 Real 0.0   NO   YES
param4 parameter 4 Real 0.0   NO   YES
param5 parameter 5 Real 0.0   NO   YES
param6 parameter 6 Real 0.0   NO   YES
param7 parameter 7 Real 0.0   NO   YES
param8 parameter 8 Real 0.0   NO   YES
param9 parameter 9 Real 0.0   NO   YES
param10 parameter 10 Real 0.0   NO   YES

If the filename contains spaces must be delimited by quotation marks. If you do not specify a full path, the file is searched in the following order:

  1. As a file attachment within the current job.
  2. In the folder that contains the current job.
  3. In the folder USER/LIBRARY.
  4. As a file attachment within the jobs in the folder USER/LIBRARY.
  5. In the folder APP/LIBRARY.
  6. As a file attachment within the jobs in the folder APP/LIBRARY.
  7. In the folder APP/BIN.
  8. As a file attachment within the jobs in the folder APP/BIN.
  9. Within the current job. As a block of text defined by Directive #BEGINDATA.
  10. Within the jobs in the folder of the current job. As a block of text defined by Directive #BEGINDATA.
  11. Within the jobs in the folder USER/LIBRARY. As a block of text defined by Directive #BEGINDATA.
  12. Within the jobs in the folder APP/LIBRARY. As a block of text defined by Directive #BEGINDATA.

If the file name is not delimited by quotation marks then the table is searched first in the current netlist as a data block specified by the command .DATA.

Error Messages

D_TABLE: Table file 'table.txt' not found.

This message is displayed each time the specified file does not exist.

D_TABLE: Invalid Table header.

This error occurs when there is an error in the header of the table.

D_TABLE: Invalid Table description.

This error occurs when there is an error in the rows of the table.

D_TABLE: Invalid expression.

This error occurs when there is an error in the expression.


a4 [1 2 3] [4 5 6 7] tablemodel
.model tablemodel d_table(delay = 13.0e-9 table_file = "example3.txt")
a5 [1 2 3 4 5] [6] ffmodel
.model ffmodel d_table(delay=10ns table_file=fftable param1=8ns param2=5ns)
.DATA fftable
*----- begin Flip-Flop table -----
 CLR  PRE  CE  D  C  |  Q
 H    L    X   X  X  |  L (param1)
 L    H    X   X  X  |  H (param2)
 L    L    L   X  X  |  Q
 L    L    H   L  R  |  L
 L    L    H   H  R  |  H
*---------- end table ------------

See also

XSPICE Devices
XSPICE Code Models