Sets the options of the symbol.



Parameter Description
flags Specify a combination of the following values:
DlxApp.SYMBOLOPTION_SHOWHIDDENPIN Displays any pins that are not visible.
DlxApp.SYMBOLOPTION_EXCLUDEFROMSIM If this options is checked, the symbol will not be inserted in the netlist for simulation.
DlxApp.SYMBOLOPTION_EXCLUDEFROMPCB If this options is checked, the symbol will not be used in the PCB. Enable this option for all virtual component symbols such as simulation-specific SPICE elements.
DlxApp.SYMBOLOPTION_EXCLUDEFROMBOM If this option is checked, the symbol will not be used to generate the bill of materials.
DlxApp.SYMBOLOPTION_KEEPPARTNUMBER During the automatic component annotation operation, the program tries to merge several similar parts into a single physical component, which may result in a change in the assigned part number. If you do not want the part number to change during a component annotation operation, check this option.

Return Value

If the operation ends correctly, it returns true otherwise it returns false.


  Copy codeCopy code

See also