Search for a symbol or device in the open libraries.



Parameter Description
name Specify the text string to search.
mode The search mode indicates the correspondence between the specified text string and the one to be found.
DlxApp.FINDFLAGS_INCLUDESTRING The item to be searched has the name that includes the specified text.
DlxApp.FINDFLAGS_STARTWITHSTRING The item to be searched has the name beginning with the specified text.
DlxApp.FINDFLAGS_ENDWITHSTRING The item to be searched has the name ending with the specified text.
DlxApp.FINDFLAGS_MATCHEXACT The item to be searched has the name that matches the specified text.
DlxApp.FINDFLAGS_MATCHCASE It takes into account the difference between uppercase and lowercase characters.
DlxApp.FINDFLAGS_FINDFROMSTART The search is carried out starting from the first element of the library. Normally the search starts from the next element to the selected one.
DlxApp.FINDFLAGS_USEJOLLYCHARS You can use the wildcards * and ? to extend your search. The ? character represents any character while * represents any sequence of characters. For example: *74*74*will search for all x74 components belonging to all families and from any manufacturer.

Return Value

Returns true if the element was found otherwise returns false.


  Copy codeCopy code

See also