Allows you to build the footprint to associate with the component. See Component Properties.

DlxLibraryDevice.AddFootprint(name, pinToPadMap = "", padToJoinMap = "")


Parameter Description
name The name of the footprint.
pinToPadMap Specify the match between the pins in the electrical symbol and the pads in the PCB footprint. The match is considered relative to the first symbol specified in the component's symbol list. Enter the pin number in the symbol and the corresponding pad number by separating them with the character ",". Repeat the sequence until all pads are mapped, separating each pair always with the character ",".
padToJoinMap Must be used to specify any internal connections between the pads. The pads with the same connection number (values from 1 to 128) have an electrical connection inside the component. Enter the pad number and the corresponding connection number by separating them with the character ",". Repeat the sequence separating each pair always with the character ",".

Return Value

If the function ends correctly it returns true otherwise it returns false.


  Copy codeCopy code
var libPrj = DlxApp.GetJob().GetProject("Example Lib");
if (!libPrj.IsValid())
  libPrj = DlxApp.GetJob().NewProject("Example Lib");
var libDoc = libPrj.GetDocument("Examples Lib", DlxApp.DOCTYPE_LIBRARY);
if (!libDoc.IsValid())
  libDoc = libPrj.NewDocument("Examples Lib", DlxApp.DOCTYPE_LIBRARY);
if (libDoc.IsValid() && libDoc.Activate())
  var folderGates = libDoc.AddFolder("Gates");
  var device = folderGates.AddDevice("SN74HC00");
  device.SetDeviceClass("Gates", "NAND gate");
  device.SetManufacturer("Texas Instruments");
  device.SetDescription("2-Input NAND gate");
  device.SetAttribute("CARD", "SPICE", "#gates NAND [1 2 3][4 5 6][9 10 8][12 13 11][PWR 14 7] %&model", "", "", DlxApp.ATTRIBUTEFLAGS_ADVANCED);
  device.SetAttribute("MODEL", "SPICE", "SN74HC00");
  device.AddSymbolSection("NAND_2INP/Logic Symbols", DlxApp.LIBSECTIONPREFIX_PREFIX);
  device.AddSymbolSectionPin("1", "1,4,9,12");
  device.AddSymbolSectionPin("2", "2,5,10,13");
  device.AddSymbolSectionPin("3", "3,6,8,11");
  device.AddSymbolSectionPin("4", "7");  
  device.AddSymbolSectionPin("5", "14");

See also