Sets the reference mark for pin 1.

DlxICBody.SetPin1Marker(width, depth, corner, bRound=true, ofsX=-1, ofsY=-1)


Parameter Description
width Notch width.
depth Depth of the notch.
corner Notch position. Specify one of the following values:
FWiz.ICBODY_CORNERFRONTLEFT The notch is applied to the left front corner of the package.
FWiz.ICBODY_CORNERFRONTRIGHT The notch is applied to the front right corner of the package.
FWiz.ICBODY_CORNERBACKLEFT The notch is applied to the back left corner of the package.
FWiz.ICBODY_CORNERBACKRIGHT The notch is applied to the back right corner of the package.
bRound If you specify true the notch is rounded.
ofsX Horizontal offset from corner. If -1 is specified, the default value is used.
ofsY Vertical offset from the corner. If -1 is specified, the default value is used.

Return Value

If the operation ends correctly it returns true otherwise it returns false.


  Copy codeCopy code
function OnBuild3DModel()
  var ctx = FWiz.Get3DModelCtx();
  var style = FWiz.Get3DStyle(0);

  var obj = new DlxICBody(style, 3.9, 8.65, 1.6, 0.25, 0.15);
  obj.SetRoundedCorners(0.2, FWiz.ICBODY_CORNERALL);
  obj.SetPin1Marker(0.6, 0.3, FWiz.ICBODY_CORNERFRONTLEFT, true);

See also