Create a rectangular fence.

DlxFence.Box(rect, zMin, height, bBrightinside)
DlxFence.Box(center, width, length, zMin, height, bBrightinside)
DlxFence.Box(left, bottom, right, top, zMin, height, bBrightinside)


Parameter Description
rect A DlxRect object that specify the rectangle.
center A DlxPoint object with coordinates specifying the center of the rectangle.
width A positive value that defines the width of the rectangle.
length A positive value that defines the length of the rectangle.
left Specifies the left position of rectangle.
bottom Specifies the bottom of rectangle.
right Specifies the right position of rectangle.
top Specifies the top of rectangle.
zMin Value of the Z coordinate of extrusion start.
height Height of the extruded surface.
bBrightinside Specify true if the bright face is the inner face.

Return Value

If the operation ends correctly it returns true otherwise it returns false.


  Copy codeCopy code
function OnBuild3DModel()
  var ctx = FWiz.Get3DModelCtx();
  var style = FWiz.Get3DStyle(0);

  var obj = new DlxFence(style);
  obj.Box(-10, -5, 10, 5, -5, 10, false);

See also