Draw an arc on the legend layer.

FWizLegend.DrawArc(center, sizex, sizey=0, startAngle=0, stopAngle=0, bCW=false)


Parameter Description
center A DlxPoint object with the coordinates specifying the center of the ellipse.
sizex A positive value that defines the radius of the circle or the half length of the horizontal axis of the ellipse.
sizey A positive value defining the half length of the vertical axis of the ellipse. If zero is specified, sizey is set equal to sizex.
startAngle The angle, in degrees, of the arc start.
stopAngle The angle, in degrees, of the end of the arc.
bCW If true the arc is drawn clockwise otherwise the arc is drawn counterclockwise.

Return Value

If an error occurs it returns false otherwise it returns true.


  Copy codeCopy code
var ctx = FWiz.GetLegendCtx();
ctx.DrawArc(new DlxPoint(0, 0), 5);

See also