In this dialog you can set the parameters of the internal attributes. Internal attributes have a name and value and can be used to associate information to objects. For example: internal code, price, etc.


Specify the name of the attribute. For the default categories you can select the name from those listed.


Specify the category to which the attribute belongs. You can select one of the predefined categories or you can create a new category.


Enter a brief description of what the attribute represents and, if applicable, the range of valid values.

Order ID

You can specify a number to reorder attributes when they are listed. Attributes are sorted by the increasing value of the Order Id. This parameter can also be used to filter attributes so that only those attributes related to the selected option are shown in a ListBox.


Enter the value of the attribute.

Advanced Attribute

Check this box for attributes that do not normally require a change to their value.


Check this box to create a multiple-choice attribute. This attribute type must be defined when creating library files by specifying the list of all valid values in the Value box. When the object is inserted into a drawing, you can select the appropriate value from a list box. The values must be listed according to the following scheme:

  1. The first line must contain an integer numeric value that specifies the line number (beginning from zero) that contains the currently selected value.

  2. The list of values starts from the second line. A single value per line must be specified.

The lines containing the values have the following format:

<title> [§<value> [§<orderId>[,<orderId>]*]]

title specifies the name to be reported in the list box, while value specifies the actual value of the attribute. If the title and value match, only the title can be specified. orderId is the Order Id property of the attributes to be displayed exclusively when the line is selected. In this way, the attributes can be filtered to show only those relevant to the selected option. Only attributes belonging to the same category of the ListBox are filtered.


If the possible values of an attribute are: ON, OFF. Considering ON as the default value, the list of values is as follows:


In the following example, the two numeric values are listed in the list box with a more descriptive name:


In the following example, each option is associated with a list of attributes (indicated through its Order Id). When an option is selected, only the attributes included in the list are shown:


Include external lists

If the same list of options is to be inserted as a ListBox attribute in many components, it is convenient to define the list of options in a SPICE document using the .DATA directive and then include it in a ListBox by simply specifying its name preceded by the @@ string. For example, in a SPICE document you can define the following list:


in the ListBox attributes is sufficient to insert the following line:


The lists of options listed in the table below are predefined:

Name Description
@@IOMODELS Lists I/O models.
@@NETS Lists all nets from the current design document.


Check this box for attributes that must necessarily have a value. If the value of the attribute is empty, a message is displayed when the dialog box is closed.


Check this box for attributes set in the library that do not need to be changed.

See also