The DRC classes define the electrical design rules for the PCB. A DRC class is a set of rules that define the distances that must be respected between the different elements on the PCB, such as the distance between a pad and a track or the distance between two pads.

DRC rules can be assigned to a Net or Layer so that you can define electrical rules valid only for the tracks and pads of a particular Net or present on a certain layer.

Compliance with these rules and CAM rules (rules related to PCB manufacturing technology) is verified during the control of the design rules (DRC). Command PCB ยป Design Rules Check.

The PCB class

The PCB class is the base class and includes all DRC rules. All other classes are derived from the PCB class and inherit all basic settings. In the derived classes it is necessary to include only those rules whose value differs from that set in the PCB class.

The Default class

The Default class defines generic settings.

To add a new DRC class

  1. Select the PCB class.

  2. Click the New Class button.

  3. In the dialog box, specify the name of the class.

  4. Click Ok.

To add a variant of a class

  1. Select the class.

  2. Click the New Class button.

  3. In the dialog box, specify the class name and check the Create as a variant option.

  4. Click Ok.

To remove a DRC class

  1. Click on the name of the class to be removed.

  2. Click the Delete Class button.

To redefine a rule

  1. Select the class.

  2. Click the Add Rule button.

  3. In the dialog box, select the rule to be redefined.

  4. Click Ok. The rule is inserted in the class.

  5. Set the new value for the rule.

To remove a rule from the class

  1. Select the rule.

  2. Click the Delete Rule button.

See also