This data type is used to describe the color. ARGB stands for Alpha Red Green Blue color model. The intensity of each component is defined by 8 bits. Alpha is the opacity of the color: from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (fully visible).

The full ARGB value is a 32-bit unsigned integer with the Alpha sample in the highest 8 bits, followed by the Red sample, Green sample and the Blue sample in the lowest 8 bits.

For example, 0x80FFFF00 is 50%-transparent yellow, because all parameters are expressed on a 0-to-255 scale. 0x80 is 128, approximately half 255 (alpha 50%); 0xFF is 255, the greatest value a parameter can have (pure red); the second 0xFF is like the previous, but for green; and 0x00 is 0 in decimal (no blue). Red, green, and half transparency mixture are 50% transparent yellow.

Hexadecimal values ​​are prefixed with 0x.